© 2021 – Iris Richardson

Macro photograph of mushroom gills

 Shop Mushroom Gallery

Much like covid-19, mushrooms seem to have their best year. This one my son brought home after a outing with his uncle who is a outside entusiast and loves forraging for mushroom. One tell tale sign of poisonous mushrooms are its gills. I origianally planned to photograph this mushroom in it’s fresh stage. Like many times good intentions are just that, good intention and I did not get around to it. The other day I cleaned my studio and came across the dried out mushroom. As I set it aside to continue cleaning, its interesting texture kept drawing my eyes to it. Finally I could not take it anymore. I took a break from my task and started photographing it. I am so glad I did and followed my artist mind rather than the practical me one who would have wanted to finsih the task she started.