

GiftThemArt –  The seasons of flower gifting have begun with Valentine’s day right around the corner, followed by Easter and mothers day. Artists have created artwork with those celebration-inspired themes for ages.  Long before the internet and before...
A New Toy in The Sandbox

A New Toy in The Sandbox

A new to me media and art discovery is like sitting in my sandbox and someone gifted me a new toy. The current college course I am teaching is on color and design.  This course is a beginner course which in return means a very diverse student body. Only a fraction are...
Good Luck Charm

Good Luck Charm

Good Luck Charms What is good luck? Luck of the draw, opportunity or hard work, and persistence? January is not just the beginning of a new year, it is also the time when symbolism is in season. Ancient symbols which carry on never losing their attractions. Even those...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

There is something magical about the start of a new year. Even if the parties are missing and traveling challenging, ringing in the New Year brings with it that little spark of hope.    Despite it all, we seem to be conditioned to leave the old behind and to...
New Years Good Luck Foods

New Years Good Luck Foods

Food was the first art medium I was exposed to. Back then I did not know it and would never have considered it art or a medium to create art. My parents were practical and skills told were the ones most useful to their business, which was a traditional German pub or...
Good Karma Treasure Hunt

Good Karma Treasure Hunt

Like so many, I spend the last few weeks trying to fit my holiday shopping into my schedule to avoid the mad dash to the malls. I don’t particularly enjoy shopping in big box stores. I miss the romance of shopping in Europe with the delicate smell of spiced wine and...